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Blue Vinyl

The hazards of bio-accumulation, pollution, and the makeup of what we commonly hope are benign plastics are explored and revealed in this "toxic comedy documentary." The true and deadly nature of vinyl is brought to our attention. Ms. Helfland attends a convention of vinyl manufacturers at which a sincere young expert tells her that two of the components in PVC are sodium and chloride -- the elements that comprise table salt and that the chemicals in PVC are made up of common -- implying safe -- elements. Two Greenpeace scientists then evaluate PVC, and describe how widely it's used. Aware from having survived DES of the risk dioxin and related compounds affect our health, the filmmaker wants us to know the unrevealed hazards PVC pose us -- from manufacture through discards in landfills. The final scene shows the Helfland family's creative use of the vinyl siding pulled from their home, warning all consumers not to use it. (98 minutes.)

Awards: 4 wins & 1 additional nomination
Director(s): Daniel B. Gold amd Judith Helfand
Writer(s): Not applicable
Cast: Helfland Family
Release Date: 2002   
Keyword: Toxic vinyl siding PVC Dioxon DES
Target Age: 13+   Category: environment
Documentary: yes
Language: English   Reviewer's Name: Micah
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