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Lost On Mars

Honestly, if you take this movie and look at it, as if it were made with a $100,000,000 budget from a major studio, you would be disappointed. If you are one of those who like everything done digitally, you will be disapointed again. However, if you are looking for small-budget creativity and adventure, you will definitely not be disappointed by "Lost on Mars". I was especially impressed by the performance of Gretchen Maxwell as Michelle Fox, one of the crew of astronauts. She brought a certain believability and vulnerability to her character. The chemistry betwen all three members of the crew (Maxwell, David Long and Megan Glosser) was hard to miss. I will say that there are a few scenes that would best be left on the cutting room floor. What movie out there doesn't have those? I was just happy that this was not a movie that is filled with fight scenes. No character in "Lost on Mars" seemed to have a black belt in karate. That made it even more enjoyable. Pure, clean fun!!

Director(s): Eric E. Shook
Writer(s): Eric E. Shook
Cast: David Long, Megan Glosser, Gretchin Maxwell, Julia Gommell, Kelli Wilson, Brittany Wisovat
Release Date: 2002   
Keyword: Lost on Mars, Science Fiction, Movies, Reviews, Entertainmen
Target Age: 18-110   Category: other
Documentary: no
Language: English   Reviewer's Name: Beano

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