Street Fight
83 min.
"This documentary follows the 2002 mayoral campaign in Newark, New Jersey in which a City Councilman, Cory Booker, attempted to unseat longtime mayor Sharpe James." -- imdb
In a similar vein to The War Room (1993), this documentary offers a close-up view into the curious machinations of American politics. The incumbent mayor, Sharpe James, uses the city's police force to intimidate and harass Booker and his supporters throughout the film. He also attacks Booker with erroneous accusations and invokes race, even though they are both black men with civil rights backgrounds. Booker uses grassroots efforts such as door-to-door visits, hosting dinners, and phone campaigns. Though it would seem that Booker and his team make for resilient underdogs, poised to seize victory, many of Newark's citizens remain drawn to James's charisma and entrenched status.
Director(s): Marshall Curry
Writer(s): Marshall Curry
Cast: Cory Booker, Spike Lee, Cornel West, Al Sharpton, Bill Bradley, Chris Christie
Release Date: 2005  
Keyword: politics, campaigns, America, New Jersey, corruption
Target Age: All ages
Category: political
Documentary: yes
Language: English
Reviewer's Name: Ellie